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Mayelana NATHI


Inkampani Yethu

Kanjani  konke kwaqala

I-Modern Centric yasungulwa ngo-2013.


Siyazi ukuthi enhliziyweni yanoma yiliphi ibhizinisi eliphumelelayo izithembiso elizenza kumakhasimende alo!

Indlela yethu ilula. Silalela ngokucophelela futhi siqinisekisa ukuthi siyaziqonda izidingo zebhizinisi lakho. 

I-Modern Centric ihamba phambili emqhudelwaneni wayo ngokuqhubeka ikhulisa ukuqonda kwayo imakethe yemali yabantu ehlala ishintsha. Ngokuhambisana nalolu lwazi, konke esikwenzayo kusekelwe ubungcweti, ukuzinikela, ukusungula izinto ezintsha kanye nokuxhumana.

Kusukela lapho usondela kithi ngesikhala noma iphrojekthi, uchwepheshe ozinikele uyaqala ukusebenza. Wazi kahle ukuthi ubani owenza umsebenzi futhi uyabandakanyeka kuyo yonke inqubo - ukubambisana, ukuqhubeka nokuxhumana kubalulekile endleleni esiletha ngayo izinsiza zethu.

Ucwaningo olusha luqala kuwo wonke umsebenzi omusha, luqinisekisa ukuthi ulingana kahle kakhulu ngangokunokwenzeka. Ngaphezu kwenethiwekhi yethu eyingqayizivele yabantu abazongenela ukhetho, inhloso yethu ukuthi sibe nezinga eliphezulu kakhulu lokuqeda ngempumelelo embonini. Wonke umsebenzi nezabelo zihlukile. Siphinde senze imayela elingeziwe ngokuhlinzeka ngezixazululo ezingabizi nezintsha.


I-Modern Centric iyakuqonda ukubaluleka kwenjabulo yesisebenzi enhlanganweni yakho. Amazinga aphezulu okuzibandakanya kwabasebenzi avame ukuholela ekukhiqizeni okukhulu. Abasebenzi abazizwa bebalulekile bashukumiseleka ukuba benze umnikelo wangempela, obambekayo empumelelweni yenkampani.


Vumela i-Modern Centric ikusize uthole ochwepheshe besikhashana noma besikhathi esigcwele, kokubili ngezidingo zokuqashwa kwabantu abangasebenzi kanye nabantu abanamandla abazofanela inkampani yakho futhi bathole ukwaneliseka okukhulu ngokusebenza ukuze uxazulule izinselele zebhizinisi lakho.


Uma ukhona  ukufuna umsebenzi omusha, noma ukuzizwa ungematasa kangako ngendima yakho kunalokho obungathanda ukuba yikho, ake sikusize ekutholeni ithuba lomsebenzi lapho ungalingana futhi uphumelele.




Imisebenzi Yengeziwe


Ukuqalisa Okusebenzayo


Izikhundla Ezigcwalisiwe


26 Sturdee Avenue, Ground Floor Suite • Rosebank, 2196  |     Ucingo: 010 003 7864 •  I-imeyili:



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